IAP 17W (November 2015) Countering Cyber Extremism

IAP 17W (November 2015) Countering Cyber Extremism

InterAgency Paper 17W (Nov. 2015)
by Megan Penn, Joshua K. Miller and Jan Schwarzenberg –

Violent extremist organizations have increased their online presence using the Internet to establish an online brand, communicate with members, and radicalize sympathizers. The regular use of online media, forums, and communications has altered the way that governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and private companies must approach countering violent extremism online. Currently, U.S. policy is ineffective in countering cyber extremism. For example, law enforcement has poorly intercepted vulnerable sympathizers, and the government has utilized unsuccessful counter-messaging campaigns against violent extremist organizations. With U.S. law respecting the difference between merely accessing online extremist sites and doing so with the intent to do harm, there is a major gap in identifying and interdicting radicalized recruits who travel overseas to join violent extremist organizations or remain at home to commit jihad here versus those who are simply curious.

This paper provides seven recommendations for countering violent extremism to the U.S. government, private companies who host these online platforms, and NGOs who provide an alternative voice and expertise to the issue. The U.S. government, NGOs, and communities all play a role in counter-messaging extremist organizations’ online presence. While this paper touches upon a number of themes and recommendations for U.S. government policy on countering violent extremism, there are many more avenues that can be explored from private sector, law enforcement, and international perspectives.

Due to the complexity of countering violent extremism, a combination of these recommendations should be utilized to address the varying needs of all stakeholders. Embracing a whole-of-government approach coupled with the private sector, NGOs, and community engagement is the most effective strategy to address this ever-evolving and challenging issue.

IAP-no.-17W-November-2015-231x300  Download the full text of IAP No.17W, October 2015
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