On Feb. 10, the CGSC Foundation hosted a visit of 30 members of the 2019-2021 class of the Kansas Agricultural and Rural Leadership (KARL) program based at Kansas State University.
To kick off the visit Foundation President/CEO Rod Cox provided the group with a short bus tour of Fort Leavenworth visiting the key historical sites of the post to impress upon them the heritage of Fort Leavenworth in the development of the nation and its current role in national defense.
After the post tour, the group arrived at the Lewis and Clark Center, home of the Command and General Staff College, where Cox and Foundation Chief Development Officer Bob Ulin led the group in a tour of the facility to learn about the College, Army/military professional development, and its history. They got the chance to visit a classroom where CGSS students and their international allies from the United Kingdom and the Netherlands were conducting a planning exercise and ask questions of the students about the College and the education they were receiving.
At the conclusion of the tour, KARL class member Garrett Reiss from Saint George, Kansas, presented Cox and Ulin with a memento to thank the Foundation for their support.
Founded in 1990, KARL is intended to help develop Kansas agricultural and rural leaders with greater knowledge, broader perspectives and improved communication skills which foster more effective participation in local, state, national and global discussions. Other objectives of the program include improving decision-making and analytical skills so that participants may better serve their industry and their community, to better articulate needs and resolve differences.
Developing leaders is certainly the mission of CGSC at Fort Leavenworth, so the current KARL class visit was a relevant stop in their program. According to KARL President Jill Zimmerman and Vice President Susan Sankey, who were personally leading the group, the next stop in their program is a trip to Washington, D.C. and Gettysburg, Penn., from Feb. 11-16, to explore topics related to national agricultural issues and service. For more information about the program visit www.karlprogram.com.
For more photos from the visit see the album on the CGSC Foundation Flickr site

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