In this edition we’re proud to highlight the accomplishments of one of our own – Gen. (Ret.) Lloyd J. Austin III – a graduate of the CGSC Class of 1989. Austin became the 28th Secretary of Defense earlier this year. In this edition we also have the honor of bringing you updates from both the Commandant and the Deputy Commandant/Provost of Army University and we continue with reports from the Command and General Staff School, the Department of Distance Education, the School for Advanced Military Studies, and for the first time, the School for Command Preparation. Along with all these updates from the College, the CGSC Foundation is also proud to report that we’ve kicked off our 2021 Wreaths Across American campaign and bring you a look at the Arter-Rowland National Security Series. There’s much more, so we hope you enjoy No. 28 of the Foundation News.
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Digital Edition
To view the Foundation News in the online “digital edition” click the cover image. In this digital edition all the web links you see in the print edition will be active in the digital edition…or if you’d still rather download a pdf there’s a link for that as well.
Inside this Edition:
- From the Chairman
- From the CEO
- Update from the Commandant
- Update from the Deputy Commandant
- Leading and shaping the future force in CGSS
- The Army Advanced Operations Course Online
- The Return of Great Power Competition
- CGSC Alum selected as SECDEF
- Command Preparation Program Redesign
- We asked, you answered
- CGSC’s new master’s program
- KC Library program
- InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture Series
- Arter-Rowland National Security Series
- Alumni Updates
- New Alumni Assoc Life Members
- Wreaths Across America
- Chaplain Kapaun comes home
- Donations in Memory/Honor
- In Memoriam
- In Print
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Thank you. The April edition is great explaining the changing JPME and PME direction of the US Army TRADOC. In a future edition, it would be beneficial to understand the full integration of JIM – Joint, Interagency, and Multinational – in this emerging education model and developing 21C global leaders.