The CGSC Foundation has selected Colonel Harry D. Hung, garrison commander of Fort Leavenworth, as the Person of the Month for June 2020.
“Col. Hung and his team have demonstrated great leadership and flexibility in recent months,” said Foundation President/CEO Rod Cox. “When the COVID-19 restrictions were first imposed the garrison command team swung into action ensuring that services across the post could still continue uninterrupted while still observing the shut down and distancing requirements.”
Cox added that Col. Hung’s team has been vital in managing the installation services for CGSC families and the PCS movements in and out for CGSC students who are considered by the Army as truly strategic assets.
When Cox notified Hung of his selection for the spotlight, he responded with professional humility.
“I am deeply honored by your selection,” said Hung, “although it’s a bit early for celebration and revelry as we are now just beginning the first quarter of the summer surge. To get here, we’ve done a tremendous amount over the last nine months to get positioned. We could not have gotten this far without the entire collective team coming together – Garrison, CGSC/ArmyU, CAC, key tenant units/enablers and AMC/IMCOM. – I just by chance happen to be the connective tissue.”
According to information released by the garrison public affairs office, the first initiative Col. Hung undertook when the COVID-19 pandemic began was to assemble a task force of experts who gathered raw data about COVID-19, transformed it into solid facts and then assembled the facts into understandable information. These efforts synchronized COVID-19 efforts for garrison agencies, the Combined Arms Center, tenant units, National Guard and Reserves, the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA), the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES), medical facilities, and local community governments and organizations.Also, during the initial stages of the pandemic restrictions Col. Hung provided constant updates to the community through social media “town halls,” inviting subject matter experts and key leaders to help address the community with timely and relevant information.
Overall, Col. Hung’s efforts have kept the Fort Leavenworth community informed about how to avoid contracting COVID-19.
“Our daily challenge remains high as we continually adapt in this unpredictably complex
and complicated mission space under COVID pandemic conditions,” Hung said.
Col. Hung is a native of New York City where he graduated with honors from the Stern School of Business, New York University with a bachelor of science in Information Systems and Finance. He received his commission into Army Military Intelligence from Fordham University in 1997 and has served at all echelons and across the globe to include contingency and combat operations. He spent his early career in Korea and Fort Lewis and has deployed to Iraq and served on the Army staff in Washington, D.C., and in Germany. He has also served as a fellow at the National Security Agency and as a visiting fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) in Singapore. (read Col. Hung’s full biography)
The CGSC Foundation is proud to know and work with Col. Harry Hung and we salute him and his team for their leadership and dedication to the Soldiers and families at Fort Leavenworth and the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. Col. Hung (and his entire team) is more than deserving of our “Person of the Month” for June 2020.

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