CGSC Foundation Alumni, Friends, and Supporters –
Greetings from Fort Leavenworth! Academic Year 2023 (AY23) has begun here at Fort Leavenworth: the entrance gate lines are long, the parking lots are crowded, and the hallways and classrooms are full of students, faculty, and family members. The buzz of intellectual curiosity is quickly overtaking the tasks of a PCS move. And thankfully, the optempo at the Intellectual Center of our Army is once again at pre-COVID levels.
Your Foundation and its work continue to be an important component in the execution of the College’s mission and of the educational and quality-of-life experience for the students, the faculty, and their families. To highlight a few of the upcoming Foundation activities and events:
- We will once again be supporting the Commandant’s Receptions (Aug. 17, 18, 22, 23) as he welcomes the CGSOC Class and their spouses.
- Our Colin L. Powell Lecture Series lecturer for AY23 will be former Kansas U.S. Senator Pat Roberts who will present to the College on Sept. 9.
- We will once again support the International Military Students (IMS) and their families at the IMS Family Fishing Derby on Sept. 10.
- We will offer our very popular monthly InterAgency Brown Bag Lecture Series (IABBLS) that will once again be open to the public. We have lectures scheduled for Sept. 20, Oct. 4, Nov. 15, and Dec. 13.
- We’ll showcase faculty excellence with off post evening Distinguished Lecture Series (DLS) presentations on Generals U.S. Grant and J.J. Pershing on Sept. 21, and Nov. 9, respectively.
- We are hosting what we hope will become an annual family event in the Frontier Freedom 5K Run on Oct. 9, on scenic Fort Leavenworth. The event is open to both military families and the public. Register now on our website.
- We are once again teaming up with the Kansas Speedway to hold a bucket-list event opportunity on Oct. 21 where attendees will get the chance to drive around the NASCAR track and party in Victory Lane. – Get your tickets for this event now on our website.
- Finally, we’ll once again be supporting a community effort as part of the Wreaths Across America program to honor our fallen with wreaths on graves at the Fort Leavenworth National Cemetery on Dec. 17. Like last year, we’ll host a community gathering at the Frontier Army Museum after placing wreaths.
I invite you to participate in any or all of these activities so please watch for more information on events as they near.
As the class year begins, I’d like to share some information about the CGSOC Class of 2023. The class is comprised of 1082 students including 771 Active Army, 33 National Guard, 38 Army Reserve, 74 Air Force, 5 Navy, 27 Marines, 1 Coast Guard, 7 InterAgency, 4 DA Civilians, and 122 International Military (from 93 countries). Of note is that 656 of the married students have brought their families with them to our community. We welcome them all and look forward to positively impacting on their year here and beyond. For more information please see our story about the kick off of this year’s class.
Finally, I invite all CGSC alumni to do two things:
1) Join the CGSC Foundation Alumni Association. We continue to grow our ranks and the Alumni site is actively being used to promote professional development and to allow alumni to stay connected. There are several good reasons to join. Visit our alumni page on our site to learn about the benefits and to join.
2) Tell the rest of us about you and your success by submitting an Alumni Update. We’d like to see and share what our alumni are doing these days, whether it’s a promotion, new assignment, a great vacation, birth of a child or grandchild…whatever is important to you and would allow your fellow alumni to celebrate with you. We’ll publish Alumni Updates in the upcoming edition of the Foundation News magazine. Use the form at the link above to submit your update or you can send your information to me or to
Thank you for your continued support. Your support makes a positive difference in the educational experience of those serving our country. With your support we will continue to do good things for good people.
Stay safe.
Roderick M. Cox
President/Chief Executive Officer
CGSC Foundation, Inc.

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