2017 Ethics Symposium Archive

The 2017 Fort Leavenworth Ethics Symposium was conducted April 24-25, 2017.

On May 1, 2018, the CGSC Foundation’s Simons Center for Interagency Cooperation published a selection of the papers submitted for the 2017 Fort Leavenworth Ethics Symposium as a Simons Center “Special Report.” – Click the cover below to download the report.


The 2017 theme:

The Ethics of Future Warfare

The 2017 ethics symposium will explore the changing and unchanging nature of future warfare. Character is foundational to a leader’s capacity to successfully navigate the shifting ethical terrain presented by constantly changing technologies and situations. Symposium participants will have the opportunity to explore the effect of character on leadership as they wrestle through the ethical impact of technologies and their employment on the battlefield.


Downloads and other resources

2017 Ethics Symposium Schedule

2017 Symposium Panel and Breakout Session Summaries

2017 Ethics Symposium Program Overview – Includes panel and breakout session summaries, guest speaker and panel member biographies and other details.


Original Papers Submitted for the 2017 Ethics Symposium:

Cyber As This Generation’s Atomic Bomb
Major Terrance S. Allen

Secession and Jus Ad Bellum
Dr. Richard Berkebile

The Moral Dimension of Projecting American National Power
Chaplain (Major) Robert M. Farmer

Ethical Implications of Forced Removal (Cherokee)
Major Dorothye Farrar

Syrian Refugee Crisis
Major Joel Funk

The Ethics of ISIS (Conflict and Islam)
Chaplain (Major) Josh Gilliam

A Leader’s Duty in Tragedy and Loss (Moral Obligation to Facilitate Healing through Commander/Survivor Relationships)
Major Francisco Hernandez

Rethinking the Ethical Framework
Major Jonathan Holm

Special Oversight Challenges in National Security Interrogations
Dr. Erik Jens

Individual and National Responsibility To Protect
Dr. Jack Kem

Lethal Targeting on the Conventional Battlefield: An Ethical Argument
Captain Kenneth King

Cyber: Employing Ethically Sound and Trusted Agents for the Future (Millennial Generation)
Major Timothy Middleton

The Commander’s Dilemma: Using Ethical Denial and Deception
Mrs. Kailah Murry

Is the Just War Tradition Good Enough As a Framework for Future Warfare?
Mr. Bruce Roeder

Ethics of Hacktivism
Major Tennille Scott & Dr. Shawn Cupp

Neuroethics Meets Just War Theory: Ethical Issues and the Development of the Third Offset Strategy
Chaplain (Major) Jason Unsworth